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November 13, 2008


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Is there not a way to circumvent campaign finance laws for things like this? Hell, the whole convention could be done on the internet, for nothing!

Why is it that liberals always manage to get around these things?

Adam C. Sieracki

David Miller's supporter--and donor--Wendy Cukier (Coalition For Gun Control) is currently under investigation by the RCMP, for matters relating to grant money from the Federal Government, during the Liberal reign.

David Miller's deflection of blame for gun crime from the Jamaican criminal element (Jane & Finch), onto people like elderly, Canadian gun owners may not be entirely a question of political correctness. Miller's campaign financing and possible links (financial, voting considerations) to organized crime, specifically in the Jamaican-Canadian community, should be investigated.

Torontonians, Ontarians and Canadians in general should not delude themselves about the 'root causes' of gun and gang crime. The huge influx of largely unscreened immigrants (CSIS estimates that only 10% of newcomers are given background checks) is the cause. This has nothing to do with labour shortages, or actuarial needs for keeping the pension system solvent; the large-scale warm body imports merely support the homebuilders' and developers' lobbies. (Jane & Finch was once a farm.) 'Green' activists should also protest what is the single, preventable cause of urban sprawl, and loss of greenland and farmland--mass immigration. In the UK, there are finally plans to impose hard caps on immigration and population, something we need here.

As for firearms, even if every legal gun source in Canada (and the U.S.) were shut down, guns would still get in, en mass, from Asia, via our crime-controlled ports. Firearms and ammunition can also be manufactured here, as is being done in Waziristan by illiterate, unskilled labour. This point is apparently lost on the effete urban elite...people like Stephan Dion, who brags about being unable to change a lightbulb.


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