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November 21, 2008


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Too bad it won't happen. The problem is that the Democrat Congress has no interest in the car industry, only in the unions, and this is where the bailout is directed.

The only hope is in a stubborn veto from the lame duck President, and fast action by the auto execs in declaring bankruptcy. Perhaps this is their plan, or is it too much to hope for.


The more I read this post, the more I agree with it. The market will always correct itself, if left alone by government (excepting criminal behaviour). Unfortunately, successive liberal governments have passed legislation which makes ordinary market behavior, criminal.

Peeter Leppik

A good comparison to another industry...couldn't agree more.

One thing the author might have mentioned is the problem of complexity of these large organizations. Complex problems calling for complex solutions - creating more complex problems. This makes a case for the Ol' "small is beautiful" view.

These huge industrial age cultures are particularly prone to breakdown.

Well, Toyota is huge too, but they manage so far ...with the "Toyota Way" and lean and Kaizen, and a culture altogether different.

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