I felt it the first time the day I crossed the border from Pakistan into Afghanistan. It was 1988 and the war was still clear then: good against evil, the mujahideen against the Russians. The oppressed underdog was about to throw out the occupier.
Shells from the Soviet base screamed right over our heads, outbound to a village on the other side of the plain. I was unusually aware of my heart rate. I remember thinking, "Well, you wanted to go to a war zone!" The exhilaration was a thrill. I was part of something BIG. I was invincible. Better yet, we’re all gonna get in a fight!
This surge of excitement has help precipitate gang wars and world wars, and now apparently, Toronto city hall turf wars.
Toronto Councillor Adam Giambrone, a member of Mayor David Miller's elite inner circle, discovered that Councillor Cesar Palacio, Ward 17, was daring to help the Portuguese community get a special event permit at an address in Giambrone’s ward.
Giambrone didn’t like Palacio muscling in and looking fine on his turf. We’re all gonna get in a fight. The thrill must’ve coursed through Giambrone’s blood, because he sent a nasty e-mail promising to, "start looking for ways to make trouble for you," if Palacio dared set foot again on Giambrone's turf.
A tempest in a teapot maybe, but the problem is Giambrone signed it as Toronto Transit Commission Chair Adam Giambrone, and many people in Ward 17 already feel the TTC is doing all it can "to make trouble" in the ward as payback for its citizens daring to fight the St. Clair street car right-of-way.
The first shock to the Ward 17 community came in November 2007, when the TTC suddenly decided to jump ahead on ROW construction and work through the winter in Ward 17. This left St. Clair between Bathurst and Dufferin, a community with a pro-David Miller councillor, untouched. Parking was good through the winter in Ward 21, and no lanes were closed due to construction.
Ward 17 on the other hand was crushed. Traffic was down to a single lane each way. No parking was possible. Christmas sales were a disaster at the stores that had fought the TTC in court over the ROW. The economic impact was punishing. Worse, because it was a cold winter, most of the time construction didn't proceed at all, so the congestion, lost parking and upset dragged as long as possible.
Now Ward 17 is stuck with an ROW but no streetcar because the TTC now has to connect the two sections of completed ROW through Ward 21. St Clair through Ward 17, which used to be two lanes each way, is now one lane each way with buses crowding the lanes. The ROW is just a big unused concrete pad down the middle of St. Clair.
Oddly, when the TTC was ready to go through David Miller friendly Ward 21 in November 2008, they elected to wait until spring of 2009 to mitigate the impact of construction on retailers. Uhm, where was that concern for St Clair businesses in ward 17 the year before?
The Royal Navy used to have a saying: you can tell a lot about the captain of a ship by how the stoker behaves. It's common sense, because the captain sets the standard for behavior, is mimicked by his officers as so on all the way down to the stoker shoveling coal in the bowels of the ship.
So what does Giambrone's threatening and vindictive letter tell us about his boss, Mayor David Miller? Let's hope that all of the TTC's excuses about why they had to crush Ward 17 in the winter of 2007-2008 are true, and their behavior was not an act of vengeance on citizens who dared to hold an different vision for St. Clair.
Giambrone may also want to put his blackberry down for a few weeks because Councillor Palacio doesn't make threats. He's just taking Giambrone's e-mail to the integrity commissioner.
We're all gonna get in a fight.
Mike Downtown