What is Mark’s thesis? It is that the West is undergoing a demographics collapse brought on by its welfare state politics that it has pursued now for over a hundred years. The problem is that the welfare state that everybody in the West lives in, particularly in Western Europe, is dependent on demographic growth to fund all the state’s dependents. This is a vicious cycle. The final stage of the welfare state is when the dearth of new citizens makes the benefits the state has promised its aging citizens unsupportable. And so the welfare state collapses.
This stage is firmly under way in Europe. Check out the current crisis in Greece, which according to this article, is spreading to other weak members of the Eurozone, like Portugal, Spain and Italy. Like dominos, they are all beginning to fall. And the reason why countries like Greece are going first is because they have the lowest birth rate coupled with the most generous benefits. Look for more stories like this in the near future about other European countries.
An easy way around this problem is to import cheap labour from another country, one with a higher birth rate. Unfortunately, when you rely on this solution too much (especially from one source region), you create all kinds of other societal problems, for instance, like the illegal immigrant situation in the US. This issue is currently bubbling to the surface in Arizona where a new law against illegal aliens was just signed into law by the (now popular) governor. This crisis is not going anywhere as Texas ponders a similar measure.
We are currently in the early stages of the unravelling of the postwar consensus. Except for the collapse of the Soviet Union, the society that developed in the 1950’s after the carnage of World War II is being unravelled by its internal contradictions. Look for more of the same as the welfare state after welfare state goes bust. If things go well, the West will be stronger than ever as it mends its family tradition and relearns self-reliance. If the West is too enfeebled to survive, thanks in no small measure to the challengeg posed by the unassimilatable and overtly anti-west Muslim minority in Western Europe, the result will be a victory for barbarism and a giant step backwards for civilization.