The trouble for liberals is that, all too often, they believe their own propaganda.
Take the case of failed Toronto mayoral candidate George Smitherman. George Smitherman is openly gay. Toronto is chock full of recent immigrants, many from the third world. Multicultural theory predicts that these immigrants should be natural allies of George Smitherman because they have a common enemy – the racist, sexist, homophobic white patriarchy. The trouble for George is that recent immigrants, overall, disapprove of homosexuality more than any other group in Canada. Especially the Tamil, Muslim, Sikh and Caribbean communities.
This fact was illustrated in a late breaking campaign story when an ad aired on Tamil radio advising listeners to vote for Ford because “his wife is a woman”. There created a controversy about who created those ads but the fact remains, many immigrant communities openly sided with right-wing Rob Ford.
Of course, liberation theory is right to say that Rob Ford looks like a card-carrying member of the white ruling class to many immigrants. But unfortunately so does Smitherman. The only difference between the two is that Ford has a conventional family, which immigrant families can relate to, and Smitherman does not. What do they have in common with an effete, urban, white, gay man living in an expensive Downtown Toronto condo? And besides, many of them are small business owners as well as religious (at least the ones most likely to vote in municipal elections).
So next time around George, put down that that textbook on deconstructionism and try and look at the world through the eyes of the people you want voting for you. You might be personally offended by what you see but, hey, we live in a democracy. Remember George that in a democracy the voter is always right so you might as well at least be aware of what the voters are thinking.