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November 20, 2010


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John T

I don't understand the big deal about electic cars. Quite frankly, they are a joke. Today's internal combustion engines run very, very clean. They are not the problem (if indeed, there IS a problem). Generating the electricity needed to recharge these electrics things is going to be a nightmare (very costly and no easier on the environment than the internal combustion engines the electrics will supposedly replace.)

There are really only two ways to go - gas and nuclear (and I'm betting that new coal technology burns very clean too).
And the U.S. still gets something like half of its electricity from burning coal. PM Harper makes the point that unless we have the U.S. and China on board, anything we do is a drop in the bucket (and I'm not convinced that humans are responsible for more than a very small fraction of climate change, anyway).

Nicola Timmerman

Or import green (mostly) electricity from Quebec. But no, this is too simple and doesn't create jobs in Ontario. Meanwhile high electricity rates will kill jobs in Ontario.


Many companies I've worked for have a training period for new employees before they start actually doing the job.

It's too bad the people who are elected to public office aren't required to take some courses in basic economics before they start their jobs.

We won't let a kid serve hamburgers without training,but we'll trust the fate of our Country to a bunch of elected salesmen,most of whom prove quickly they have no idea how an economy runs.

Lesson one: the necessity of having cost effective electric power for homes and industry.

They can spend some of the time they usually spend "schmoozing" with the elites,in a classroom learning how NOT to destroy the economy of the Province or Country they're about to serve in,not rule over.


Fortunately people are starting to wake up on this issue. There is huge opposition to wind turbines in Ontario, and the more wind farms they try to build, the more people study the issue and discover that so called "green" energy is nothing more than a "Red" herring.


This green energy idea is just another wealth redistribution scam and a pay off to buddies.
I can't honestly think of a single thing the greenies have come up with that is correct.
Take plastic bags, vs. reusable. One washing of the reusable uses about 3 times the energy of the disposable plastic bag, and the bag can be made from corn.
Another scam, another green lie used to subjugate the stupid.

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