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December 10, 2010


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"Get ready" is right. There is no stopping Islam without extreme measures, and there are precious few in this country who are prepared to use them.

There will be many tears shed and much blood drawn before our sleeping culture wakes up and decides to defend itself. Whether we will be able to recover at that point, is doubtful. My beard is growing already.

real conservative

In a multicult society somebody in time will take over, who is it going to be?

George Smith

Gradually ... gradually ... your point will make it's painful way into the consciousness of our Western nations. Until then, we will experience a repetition of the shameful treatment applied to Mark and Ezra.

I don't mind ethic or religious groups who advocate a counter culture. what I do mind is the stupidity that refuses to recognize the reality staring us in the face.



Trudeau was a progressive, he and his ilk dreamed up North-South dialogue, multiculturalism, debt, public education, single payer health care and revision of our history.
There is no multiculturalism, it is the dilution of western values nothing more. All this in an attempt to destroy the Liberal western civilization and impose some form of socialist utopia.


Societies and cultures that feel guilt over their heritage and accomplishments are usually replaced by societies and cultures that do not. In the U.S. the 1960s saw the white community split into three groups, and we're living with those splits to this day: genuine racists who wanted things to stay the same, liberals who thought the system was rotten to the core and needed to be replaced, and conservatives who recognized the terrible aspects of slavery and racism but wanted to make amends while preserving the good aspects of society. Between then and the present day, liberals have continued to pursue their revolution, the racist group has been shrinking and dying out, and the genuine conservatives have continued to make a case for preserving the best of the past while making amends for arbitrary discrimination. I believe that, in a nutshell, describes the deep political fault lines in America today. Of course, a genuine, open conversation about all this is too frightening to most, so people from the various groups argue with one another using "proxy" issues indirectly related to their main points. This is where we've been in America for 40 plus years now. I say all this because I think this dysfunctional set-up is the reason we can't effectively unite to tackle the radical Islamic "wolf at the door". Though I'm not nearly as familiar with Canadian history, I suspect a similar cultural split has occurred there, and it would seem the Canadian equivalent of American liberals have made more headway in Canada than libs have in America. I could be wrong, and I welcome critiques from Canadian readers.

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