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January 18, 2011


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Libraries are passe and almost obsolete. Only a computer can keep up to the information that is new and available every 24 hour time cycle. Cheaper to give the residents of Toronto free computers and wi-fi. Save money, get rid of buildings, personnal and the expensive maintenance of physical books. Just kidding. Maybe not!!!


You do realise that a lot of people only have access to computers through the public library don't you?
The local libraries in my neighbourhood are full of members of the community researching and producing projects using publicly available laptops and multimedia machines.
The fact that there is a central meeting place means that libraries also act as community commons areas and encourage joint ventures. Not only can they access the web but they can engage with others from the community too.
Librarians also offer more than directions to a book, they assist in work of all sorts in libraries. Replacing these services or ignoring them altogether would rob a community of an important resource.
And nope I'm not a librarian, just someone who would hate to see my library go.
Also Track walkers on the railways are really important folk if you value public safety, so I don't know why you have the scare quotes there.


i hope that ford can make these changes. what a great start to rebuilding this nation if other municipalities can see the benefit of leaving all of us the hell alone.


Dear Herebell:

I think if you read Mike's post more carefully, you will see that Mike is not advocating the closing of libraries. His point that the unions are holding highly visible public services like libraries hostage to protect useless layers of flab from being permanently cut. To counter this move, Mike proposes to call their bluff.


The "library" that is being closed is purely for reference and book pickup.

No-one was sitting at computers there.

Of course what no-one has bothered to point out was that under miller, services were cut and taxes were raised.

And of course debt was also raised.

But hey, would you rather have him over at your dinner party? And he did care about "good union jobs"...

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