Once again, Ontario’s Crown prosecutors are assaulting the right of Canadian citizens to defend themselves. Last fall it was Toronto Chinatown grocer, David Chen, who made a citizens arrest against a shoplifter who had been robbing him blind for years, and whom the cops charged with assault for his troubles.
Now it is an unemployed Port Colborne man in his 50’s, Ian Thomson, who was charged with using a firearm, “namely a handgun” “without lawful excuse”. His crime was to defend his property and his life when three masked men assaulted his house in the middle of the night with Molotov cocktails while yelling death threats. He came out of his house armed with a handgun while his house burned.
Thomson was also charged with unlawful storage of a restricted firearm. According to the prosecutors: what he did was “without lawful excuse, store a firearm, namely a revolver, in a careless manner.” His handgun was unloaded and stored in a locked safe prior to this incident.
My God! What on earth has gotten into our prosecutors? What moral disease are they labouring under? When they behave this way, they are no longer public protectors, but public enemies.
Unfortunately, as a result of their efforts, Mr. Thomson has now been reduced to poverty by thugs – both legal and illegal. For this reason, Mr. Thomson’s lawyer, Ed Burlew is urgently soliciting donations for Mr. Thomson’s defense. Details of how you can help out can be found by calling Mr. Burlew’s office at 1-888-486-5677. I’ve made my donation. An interview of Ed Burlew explaining the case can be viewed under the “Right Interviews” section at the Daily Split web site.
Ed Burlew is also calling for people to come out and provide moral support to Ian Thomson at his next court appearance, on March 2, 2011. Please show up at 9 AM for a “peaceful day of protest.” The Welland Court House is located at 102 East Main St., Welland, ON.
Please remember that this is not just about the profound injustice done to Ian Thomson. As of this moment, Ian Thomson is not only defending himself but also the right of every Canadian citizen to defend himself against violent threat.
Obviously by defending himself he is taking the jobs of union members. This can't be allowed in Ontario. The proper thing to do is call the police. Remember the authorities are only minutes away when seconds count.
Posted by: Kevin | February 07, 2011 at 11:03 AM
For those wishing to see the interview in full-screen mode, go directly to the you-tube site:
Posted by: Tom Merilo | February 09, 2011 at 11:30 PM
Based on the video it was already pretty bright, at 6:30am in the Summer not middle of the night. Still an outrage.
Posted by: SDG | February 14, 2011 at 08:19 PM