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March 25, 2011


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Ya gotta wonder why any Liberal would want to have an election now, unless it is just to get rid of Iggy.

Low Fuss

I can already imagine Ignatieff's speech on election night: he'll lose, but will still make those snotty, snarky, remarks like he always doess and he'll have his communist-born wife by his side wiping away the tears. Send the jackass home.

Bill Fiinegan

What a lot of Conservative malarky. I especially love Obama being blamed for the recession that was largely caused by Bush.


Well, it appears that Bill is an expert in Malarky. Let's blame Bush for Libya, Canada's deficit, Angela Merkel's troubles, global cooling, quantitative easing, jihadists. Hell, let's blame Bush for Christ's crucifixion.
Well that is off topic. Back to reason. Iggy would be willing to sell his soul for an election victory. Perhaps the "collector" will visit him soon.

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