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March 14, 2011


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Don't forget, despite what the media and teacher unions say Ontario voters loved Mike Harris. He did win back to back majorities. When he was replaced by an inept(progressive) Ernie Eves Conservative fortunes plummeted. Since then we have been saddled with the usual reliably corrupt Liberal government.

mikey d

You neglect to mention that if these same things where happening to the liberals, you would not hear a peep! As in the latest Liberal conviction which is 10 times worse.Also the opposition can lay bogus charges to almost anything in a minority government since they have control over the committees,let's not dwell on the foolish small stuff but let's focus maybe on getting the 40 million back from the sponsorship scandal,and actual convictions.

The Watcher

Michael Ignatieff spent his first year as opposition leader trying to generate a scandal of the week and look where that strategy got him.

Now the left leaning liberal media are attempting the same thing.

I find it funny that the Adscam Liberals are the ones complaining about letter head, and signatures, and other non events when they stole MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND GAVE IT BACK TO THEIR OWN PARTY.

Let the Liberals take this issue to the voters and lets resolve it for once and for all.

Ontario Girl

The coalition want to create enough noise, and maybe the unwary will be duped -or enough of them anyway.

Canadians want a government that is honest, competent and responsible. They have got that government. And if they are sent to the polls by an opportunistic opposition on a bogus scandal , Canadians will certainly reelect it, hopefully with a majority, so PM Harper can get on with running the country, and be rid of the coalition games for POWER.


Good analysis.


Too late! ;-)


Ya gotta admit that so far Harper has stayed decisively on top with this strategy. Short of Iggy spontaneously resigning, there is no chance of the Conservatives losing an election for the foreseeable future.


We have not learned the lesson that the Republicans are learning in Wisconsin.
It is that the left cannot sustain itself with internal funding from its adherents.
They must get taxpayer money in dollars and Kind in order to exist. (Kind means liberal media freebees) Aoorn, Trial Lawyers, Unions, GE, Soros and "pay to play" money men make up about 80% of the lefts money. The stingy ideologues don't contribute to anything but themselves.
So, Harper must turn off the tap that feeds the left, slowly, but surely.
Did anyone notice the flak that Harper got when he defunded some Quebec cultural whatever?


Excellent point. I agree, though I also agree with Machiavelli that unpleasant things should be done all at once.


Ahh, Cincinnatus, a follower of Machiavelli, I wondered.
At once with a minority would lead to a defeat.
No, in Canada's case the drip should be slowly until the patient is cured.

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