You know, one of the most noxious and morally toxic intellectual concepts at work in our society today is the doctrine of Political Correctness. It is nothing more than a way of stifling intellectual debate in the guise of moral purity. While it does occasionally suppress the genuine hatemonger, it also empowers smug moral preeners, petty tyrants and a rogue’s gallery of bounders and phoneys at the expense of genuinely reasonable men.
All of this loathsomeness was on display in the reaction to John Derbyshire’s article that appeared last Thursday in Taki's Magazine. In his article, which was inspired by the Trayvon Martin – George Zimmerman fiasco, Derb gave the following advice, “Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods” as well as other similar admonitions. This got the PC scolds heading for the fainting couch, though I hasten to add, none of them had the integrity to assert that places like the South Bronx and Camden, New Jersey are perfectly safe, as in “hey, I jog there all the time.”
True to form, instead of challenging Derbyshire on particulars, they demanded his resignation from National Review (even though the offending article didn’t appear there, but hey, he’s got to be fired from somewhere and Takimag ain’t that important relative to his thoughtcrime).
Left unstated was an explanation of how this two-minute hate could be reconciled with the near universal applause that Jesse Jackson received for saying essentially the same thing when he told the story about how he was walking down the street late one night and felt relieved when he turned around and saw that the footsteps behind him were made by a white man.
Also left unstated was an explanation of how the racism charge is consistent with Derb’s evident sympathy for the Hermann Cain presidential campaign. But PC inquisitors never seem to feel the need to justify their serious accusations at a man’s character.
To add insult to injury, while chiding Derbyshire for his lack of racial sophistication, they silently pass over key passages in his offending article, things like:
“The default principle in everyday personal encounters is, that as a fellow citizen, with the same rights and obligations as yourself, any individual black is entitled to the same courtesies you would extend to a nonblack citizen. That is basic good manners and good citizenship.”
“As with any population of such a size, there is great variation among blacks in every human trait (except, obviously, the trait of identifying oneself as black). They come fat, thin, tall, short, dumb, smart, introverted, extroverted, honest, crooked, athletic, sedentary, fastidious, sloppy, amiable, and obnoxious. There are black geniuses and black morons. There are black saints and black psychopaths.”
“Thus, while always attentive to the particular qualities of individuals, on the many occasions where you have nothing to guide you but knowledge of those mean differences, use statistical common sense:”
These are important qualifiers to the advice Derbyshire gave. If you consciously fail to mention them while condemning his advice, you are being dishonest.
A partial exception to this rule was made by moral pygmy Jonathan Kay over at the National Post. While refraining from actually stating his qualifiers, he elliptically alluded to them thus:
“This is not ordinary racism. It is more interesting and antique than that: explicitly racialist in substance, but also ornamented with editorial grace notes and exhortations to humane acts of tokenism. One is reminded of, say, old-fashioned British types putting up their slide show from a safari in South Africa, or a charity trip to an inner-city school.”
You know what Jonathan? Here’s a piece of advice: since you are very unlikely to have a window into John Derbyshire’s soul, why don’t you confine your criticism to what he has actually written and said, and refrain from conflating him with the strawmen that inhabit your psycho-racial masturbatory fantasies.
Oh... I don’t have a window onto your soul? So that I don’t have any direct knowledge of your psycho-racial masturbatory fantasies, assuming there are any? Sorry about that, old boy.
Kay’s description of Derbyshire as an “old-fashioned British type” and a “crank” that is “out of touch with the times” evokes the image of the stereotypical xenophobic loser, sitting in his basement all day while occasionally peering out the window at all these strange, new-fangled foreigners who are mysteriously popping up in his neighbourhood; which (by comparison) makes ‘nice people’ like Kay look compassionate, cosmopolitan and worldly-wise. Oh Jonathan, what a swell guy you are!
Left out of this narrative is the fact that in his early 20’s, Derbyshire departed his native England for a non-white place (Hong Kong), where he lived for a many years, mastering the Chinese language and learning its culture (his articles often contain references to classic Chinese poetry). He also married a Chinese woman with the result that his two children are only half-white.
Yep, racist stuff here. Since Derb’s life story closely parallels the biography of Bull Connor, I wonder why Jonathan Kay left this detail out? Sure is more damning than Kay’s comparatively lilly-white biography of hanging out with one-percenters.
Kay then made one of the most idiotic accusations in this whole affair:
“His writings about blacks, in particular, were full of references drawn from comparative-intelligence studies that, however disreputable, at least suggested a nominal quest for fact-finding and testable hypotheses.
Ever the mathematician, Derbyshire endlessly spouts the language of percentiles and cohorts and standard deviations.”
So data and reason are now racist tricks? Who knew? Thanks Jonathan! I’ll be sure to avoid these ‘dog whistles’ in the future.
(I suppose Chinese poetry is another dog whistle.)
In spite of Kay’s assertion that Derb is “out of touch with the times” (which Derb freely acknowledges – say? can you really be out of touch with the times if you know you are out of touch with the times?), history is often not kind to the enforcers of orthodoxy. Times change; priorities change; unreasonable, ideologically driven hysterias change. The inquisitors in the Galileo trail - even the Pope himself - are only remembered these days as the men who persecuted one of the greatest scientists of all time; the accused in the Salem witch trials are remembered as poor victims while the men who tried them are viewed as vicious, stupid fanatics; and these days, Oscar Wilde’s indecency trial is widely seen to be a miscarriage of justice.
A hundred years hence, when politics has changed and therefore the standards of political correctness have changed, I wonder if today’s PC transgressors will be viewed in better light and whether their accusers, if they are remembered at all, will be seen to be inhabiting the dung-heap of history.