couple of days ago, John Derbyshire posted an article where he doubts that
Barack Obama is a communist.
provides a good typology of communists:
in countries where a Marxist-Leninist party is in power.
living in countries where it is dangerous to be a communist.
living in countries where it is not dangerous to be a communist.
the first category, once the first flush of revolution has passed and the
idealists have all been killed off, communism is just conformism. To become a
party member is just a career move, as in the case of my wife’s Fifth Uncle.
Just so. With roots in Estonia, I have a
number of relatives who were communists of the first kind. They all hate
communism. Derbyshire then states:
of my own loathing of communism is for Category Three: communists living in
countries where they are free to be communists.
agreement here. Then he states:
be a real communist is to make a serious commitment to a cause. Communism is
a hard dogma,
completely at odds with the soft-handed girlish narcissism of a
late-20th-century American leftist such as Obama, who has never risked, fought,
struggled, or suffered.
this he is entirely wrong. He is under the delusion, common to many people,
that just because we don’t see the atrocities of communism here, we have no
real communists. We do. You have to look no further than former terrorist Bill
Ayers and his fiendish wide Bernadine Dohrn, or the Black Block anarchists who
form the tip of Occupy Wall Street’s spear (that the White House actively
encouraged). Then there is also Minister King Samir Shabbazz, of the New Back
Panther party voter intimidation video fame, who may have also visited Obama’s
White House twice and who shared a stage with him in 2008.
else you can say about Ayers and Dohrn and all the rest, they are not
soft-handed, girlish narcissists. They are hard men (and women); they are
ruthless fanatics, utterly committed to the Utopia, whose glory is so great
that it excuses all their bloodthirstiness and excess.
there are those who say they are Marxists but whose martial prowess hasn’t been
put to the test yet: the soft handed, girlish narcissist wing of America’s communist
crowd if you will. This bunch includes Anita Dunn, Obama’s former
communications director, who told a crowd that mass murderer Mao was her
favorite philosopher; Van Jones, the former green jobs czar for Obama; and
Barack Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying Communist with
ties to Moscow. You want more? Just go to any university’s web site and look up
the faculty. Marxist affiliations and sympathies are proudly listed.
the revolutions, many of these will doubtlessly shirk from manning the
barricades, but if their confreres come to power, they will doubtlessly be most
eager to help direct the people’s republic - assuming of course that the
Politburo does not line them up against the wall first.
is Obama in all of this? Considering all of his hard-left associations, past
and present, as well as his reticence, I would categorize him as that species
of communist who likes to work quietly within the system, subverting it
incrementally towards Utopia. Look at his presidential record. There is a meme
going around conservative circles that Obama is soft and indecisive. Look
again. It may be true for things like Benghazi, but for stuff that he really
cares about – Obamacare, stimulus, Dodd-Frank, CO2 emissions – he has been
bold, decisive, ruthless and determined.
that Weimar Germany was a civilized country yet violent fanatics from both the
right and left filled its streets; and that many Bolsheviks came from the
pampered upper classes of Russia; and that Muhammad Atta was an engineering
student from Germany. The difference between them and the revolutionaries of
today is that we live in a society made prosperous by the free-market system.
If that collapses, we will shortly discover all the vipers that we have been
nursing in our bosom.