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November 18, 2013


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All Ford needs to do to get the media dogs on his side is to announce he is on a hunger strike, hell it worked for Chief Lardass when she was under fire for the financial mismangement on her reserve.
And we've seen you can eat all you want on a hunger strike, it's not like the media have brains or eyes...


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All I can say to Coyne and the elites is read this and weep.

Ford a star at Argos game


Ted B

You make two classic mistakes here.

1. That someone is either an elite or a populist. Ford shows you can be both an elistist and populist. But most of us ordinary folk are or strive to both intelligent and emotional about issues and life, principled and popular. The world is not black and white and people are not one thing or another.

2. That those who oppose Ford are elitist and those who support him populist. Only 20% or so support him now, and 70%+ think he should resign, so his support is now reduced to a shrinking group of fanatical and blinded partisans, who are in no position whatsoever to judge truth.

Nicola T.

Yes the elites have really raised standards with their undermining of the family and public education. Not to mention their thuggish treatment of anyone who doesn't agree with them on immigration, climate change, etc.

Ted B

"Why would I rate Ford as good? Forget about his personal life for a moment and look only at his public record: he eliminated the car tax, eliminated the plastic bag tax, he balanced the budget, he privatized half of Toronto’s garbage collection, he took many steps to clean up the corruption at Metro Housing caused by Miller’s cronies, and he browbeat a Scarborough Subway extension out of the subway-hating Ontario Liberals."

Excuse me but you are forgetting his increased spending, record-breaking spending, in every year since he took over. We are spending almost $200 million more than under Miller.

You are forgetting the record breaking debt of $1.5 billion he is adding for those useless subways that serve fewer people at much great cost to the city. One. And. A. Half. Billion. Dollars. In. Debt.

To say nothing about the wasted millions on cancelled contracts, moving bike lanes a block, and now he is going to sue the city for doing what he says he would have done if he was a councillor.

We don't have to consider his illegal and dangerous conduct while mayor to determine he's been a disaster as mayor. But if that is what it takes to save the finances of the city, then I'm for it.


Well done. Living in the boonies, I am amazed that almost all those I have any respect for have drunk this elitist koolade. Is there something in the air over there?

Alberta Dude

Is it elitist to want a mayor that does not use crack or have drunken stupors? Do we have no standards at all? Would you give this guy a job reference and vouch for his character?


Public opinion polls are fleeting things. When a little time passes, and the voters get a good look at Ford's competition, a little misbehavior on his off time and some bad language are going to look pretty tame.

If I were an elitist politician, I would lay off of Ford. Even those supporters who have now decided to abandon the Mayor, are unlikely to throw their support behind a Ford enemy.

Look to see a lot of new faces in council after the next election.


Dear Alberta Dude:

I do indeed have standards.

I like not paying David Miller's car tax any more. As a commuter battling my way through Toronto's hellish traffic jams, I like the fact that there is no longer a war on cars. As a Scarborough resident, I like the fact that a Scarborough Subway will now be built. As a Torontonian I like the fact that Ford has cracked down on corruption at Metro Housing. These are issues that affect me directly in a material way. These are my standards.

Whether Ford is a laughing stock on SNL or Jon Stewart doesn't affect my life in Toronto a whit.

I live here sir. I have to live with the very real consequences if Ford is replaced by a leftist. I don't have room in my life for cheap moralizing.


Liberal Mayor Joe Fontana, is charged for commiting Fraud and is facing trail. So far, the media has yet to hound him.

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