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May 29, 2014


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Boorshnik Greesh

Excellent post. Col Peters' quote nails it. Actually, is there a number lower than zero?


Newt Gingrich would not have been afraid to stand up and call a spade a spade ( pun intended) but the Republicans were more afraid of him than the Democrats were.
Why are conservatives so afraid of conservatives?

Auto Guy

I see a winning strategy for Putin here. The greatest threat to modern Europe today is the rise of militant Islam inside of Europe. The latest Euro elections show that Europeans in general agree. Putin is able to deal with this threat effectively, while the European bureacracy make it illegal to even deport Islamics who enter the country illegally. The choice is clear.
Putin's actions make him an attractive leader right now because of this critical threat to the character and fundamental nature of Europe. It is unlikely that Europe can produce a leader to counterbalance this attractiveness, and even less likely that the bureacrats in actual charge would allow that leader to enact real change.
Europe is in very real trouble.

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