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June 17, 2014


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This is why proportional representation is so undesirable. Even a liberal government, when given a majority, will do what is right, economically, because ruining the economy costs elections. Making socialists happy in a minority government causes elections. Something governments hate.

Alberta Dude

Harper stabbed energy trusts in the back. He severely criticized Paul Martin for "hating Alberta". Then Harper did exactly what he said Martin should not do. He killed energy trusts and $3 billion of taxpayer money evaporated.


Well let's see. The dolt had two majority governments. Did he do what was right? Hell no! And through it all good old Ms. Wynne helped him along through the whole sorry mess. So now you think she will become a fiscal conservative. Hah. Don't hold your breath.


I don't think she will 'become' a fiscal conservative, I think the debt crisis will put the bond traders in charge.

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