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June 19, 2014


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Well we'll see. The dolt was starting to talk tough before he ducked and ran. We'll see how tough the lady is when the Teachers Unions, the Doctors "union", the Police unions, and all the rest are camping out at Queens Park calling for her head.
If she's not afraid to take these guys on, she will have my support for as long as she wants.


Very smart move on her part. The unions wouldn't dare criticize her days after they put her in power, it would make them look foolish and expose them for the dupes they are. They'll sit in the corner and take it for now. I figure they’ll start to get vocal in about 6 months.


no need for the unions to worry, 4 years from now she will pay them off with interest, and I'm sure they know this but they will still play the we're offended charade

don morris

Wynne's more politically astute than I gave her credit for, this is a necessary move.Ontario has no money to spend on making fat cats fatter.

Hudak is just another in a long line of conservative failures in this Country.

Maybe some day the Conservative Parties will smarten up and realise it's about image, not policy,especially in our major cities,which are just chock full of civil servants.


I am not surprised. That's what Smokey Warren Thomas who is head of OPSEU (the only union to oppose the Wynne budget) stated. Besides if she didn't do this the bond markets would have forced her

Steve O

I still think their is a deal under the table. If I am wrong I will say so. I still believe that she is a clone of Dalton and is just not showing her full hand yet. BTW what happened to the Gas Plant, Orange and Green energy scandles oh! and the Mars fiasco..seems to have gotten very quiet on these fronts..Just Sayin...Steve O


I predicted that Wynne will eventually implement the freeze in PS growth that Hudak was talking so much about. She may not explicitly state it, but she can quietly allow the PS to contract.She will have to, just to keep the bond rating people satisfied.

Auto Guy

Right now I am actually glad that the PC's lost. Hudak may be a good MPP, but he was a poor leader. He just couldn't communicate conservative ideas well and (as has been said) lacked the killer instinct. Too worried about being civil? Anyways, Wynn is doing what had to be done and we'll get a PC leader who will hopefully be better.

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