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July 16, 2014


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Typical socialist - You can't do anything at all about the perps, so take it out on the law abiding citizens.
Oh, what's that noise I hear? The bad guys are lining up to turn in their illegal weapons. Yeah right!
It's all balderdash, and besides the weapons thing is federal.
Olivia - Such a lame incapacitated brain. Duh!

Boorshnik Greesh

That said, what concerns me is our own RCMP, quietly moving one item after another into the restricted or prohibited column. Also, don't forget High River, and how they're justifying, and even doubling down, on that behavior. These bureaucrats aren't worried about debates - they don't have to answer to anyone.


You're right! Good on us, and let's keep up the good fight, we can't let our guard down for a moment.


Interestingly enough, this move by Chow may backfire on her. Even the Left knows that this is not a winning issue. All that's needed is for a few reporters to keep asking her to clarify her position. On Jerry Agar's radio show on CFRB the other day, he asked the obvious points about how guns are already mostly illegal in the city and that criminals don't care what the law is anyhow, and she had no clue how to answer. Once she was off her game, every answer to Jerry's questions were a disaster. She was destroyed in a half hour interview.

I hope we will see more of this from her.


Good to hear, both that she got destroyed in the debate and that one of the hosts on one of Toronto's top radio stations asked probing questions on gun control.

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