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July 02, 2014


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Nicola Timmerman

I think the real problem is that voters seem to want a change, even if it is cosmetic (see recent Ontario election). And as PM Harper seems to want to stay on, we are screwed (as much as I admire him). It is sad for so many reasons that Jim Flaherty got sick and then died. He would have made a great Conservative leader with a human face. And he wouldn't have taken any guff from Trudeau. I can't see Jason Kenney as being popular across the board. Having met him once I found he was too fond of his own voice. Plus with no wife or kids it would be hard to compete with Trudeau. Maybe Christine Elliot should have kept her powder dry and ran for the leadership of the Conservative Party federally instead.

John T

The issue IMO, where Harper needs to draw out Trudeau is on energy development and the pipe-lines. I am actually stunned that the Liberals did as well as they did in Fort Mac considering that Trudeau is against Northern Gateway. Trudeau and the Libs essentially want to land-lock the oil sands and stunt their development. (Trudeau is for Keystone XL, but it's dead). So Harper needs to put it to Trudeau - what's your plan for getting this oil to market? Trains? OK, right. Yes, it may cost Harper votes in B.C. and among the environmentalists but he's got to stop being so namby-pamby on the Northern Gateway. With the Ontario economy being in such dismal shape, even most Ontarians know that Western resource development and safe pipelines will be the saviour of the Canadian economy for the foreseeable future (and of course that means good jobs in Ont. too). Get on with it Stephen. Draw the lines sharply on this issue. Be the pro-development, pro-jobs candidate. No, you will never win against the shiny new-pony personality of Trudeau, so pull out the stops on the pocketbook issues.

Sean M

Good post... Personally, I'm not worried about the middle aged boy leader of the corrupt Liberals. The media have a job to do and that job is to do everything possible to get the empty headed child dictator elected PM, what else is new. I don't believe Canadians are sufficiently stupid enough to ahere to the medias call and elect the retard. However, if Canadians are stupid enough to put the boy dictator and his merry band of radicals in charge of the nation then Canadians deserve the consequences of such an ill conceived decision. The country will never survive another dictating Trud, and frankly any country that would elect an unaccomplished imbecile like Junior doesn't deserve to survive.


Perfect analysis. I like your policy differences idea since Trudeau represents red jello. I also think cannabis should be legal but I don't think the policy discussion should be avoided. I think it should be explored but not actively fought against. Conservatives should take an attitude of reluctant skepticism but not derision. Its the attitude of most Canadians. How do you plan to legalize it? When? How will you protect Children? How much lung cancer do you expect? Just ask for details and frame the questions with the negative consequences in mind. Its important not to get hysterical about it. Just let Trudeau put his oratory to use. Its a question we lose on, so be sure to expect it. We can use it to reinforce the notion that Trudeau is a spoiled famous boy who is out of his depth. A narrative is much easier to tell when its the truth.

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