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August 08, 2014


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You really should stop wasting your time with The Star. You have to admit they are never right and this time both of you are wrong.
Andrea lost the base because they deserted her en masse to vote for the only party they knew could stop Hudak.
Her big mistake was to keep the Liberals alive for two years so that the outrage and loathing the average voter felt for that party dissipated.


Actually, I think we have to stop blaming both Andrea and Tim. They lost for one simple reason - this election was bought and paid for by the Ontario Public Sector Unions. Even if Tim hadn't brought out his 100,000 public sector job cuts plan (foolishly for sure, but honestly and realistically) - I believe the result would have been the same. And Andrea called out the Liberals for their corruption and waste, and was actually quite bold in doing so, (though one or two years late as Copinacus points out), but she was right. A government as rotten and stinking as the Liberals should have been decimated and punted to the sidelines for at least two full terms. But no, they lied to the public and winked at the unions who responded by buying the election for them. I used to believe that buying politicians and elections was the stuff of legend, the old days of democracy perhaps, but we've actually seen it play out before our very eyes.
I am going to carefully watch the upcoming negotiations between the gov't and the teachers. One side is going to have to blink - my guess is that it will be the government. After all, they are in power by the hand and for the sake of those same unions. One day it will blow up in the Liberals faces, of course, but until then, we just have to hang on to our wallets...ouch!


It won't happen quite like that John. Before it blows up in the Liberals faces, the voters of Ontario will finally panic at what is happening, elect a Mike Harris type who will do the dirty work, then after the dirty work is done, reelect whichever party offers them a free ride, which party will then trash the fixer for the next ten or fifteen years as they run the province back into the hole.
You can look it up.

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