I want to pass on an announcement I received from the Ukrainian community for an important upcoming event. Considering all the horrible aggressions visited on the Ukrainian people by Putin’s Russia, please try to attend this rally if you at all are able:
“Good evening friends and colleagues. This is to invite The Estonian community to attend the United for Ukraine Rally on the 17th of September at 2pm on Parliament Hill. The purpose of the rally is to welcome to Canada President Poroshenko of Ukraine. This is an historic visit at a critical time in Ukraine's history.
Where: Parliament Hill
Date and Time: Wednesday, September 17th, 2-4PM
Bring Canadian, Ukrainian, Baltic, Polish national flags etc...
There will be screens outside on Parliament Hill to watch and hear President Poroshenko's speech in Parliament. He will also come outside with Prime Minister Steven Harper and briefly address the crowd. Some buses are also being coordinated from Toronto and Montreal. Please advise if you would like to arrange for transportation to Ottawa.
Kindly share this invitation with your friends, family and colleagues, and share it broadly through your e-mail distribution networks and social media forums. We also encourage you to print copies of the poster and circulate it within the community such as on grocery store bulletin boards, coffee shops, community centers, churches, and other newsworthy places to help us spread the word about the rally.
Kind regards,
Jane Kolbe”
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