According to Wikipedia, part of the plot of Christopher Nolan’s lattest blockbuster, Interstellar, goes as follows (emphasis added):
“Low on fuel, Endurance can only visit one more planet before returning to Earth. Amelia believes Edmunds' planet has the more promising data, but Cooper and Romilly favor Mann's planet, as Mann (Matt Damon) is still transmitting. … The team votes for Mann's planet, but they find it to be icy and inhospitable. Mann reveals that he knew Plan B was the mission's goal all along, and faked data about his planet's viability.”
Apparently, Steve Sailer has alerted Mark Steyn to the fact that a character in Nolan’s latest flick is named Dr. Mann. Mark saw the film. Here is an excerpt from his subsequent film review:
“The movie ‘Mann’ is one of several astronauts out there in search of new worlds. The other guys are just referred to by one-word surnames, but ‘Dr Mann’ is never referred to as anything but ‘Dr Mann’. In other words, the Nolan brothers appear to have consciously chosen to give their villain the character of a ‘climate scientist’. … Given the film's themes, it's difficult to believe the Nolans' choice of name for their bad guy is pure coincidence.
Once he's on his new world, he sends back data telling NASA what a perfect climate it is. When Coop & Co get there, they discover it's an ice planet - a vast frozen wasteland in which even the clouds ice up. Consigning the man who eliminated the Medieval Warm Period to a giant planetary icebox again seems too good a jest to be coincidental.”
Film-maker Christopher Nolan has developed a reputation for being one of Hollywood’s secret crypto-conservatives, especially after the last film in his Batman trilogy, 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises, debuted, where the villains are more or less explicitly modeled after Occupy Wall Street. Given examples like this, I think it is incumbent on conservatives to refrain from dismissing all pop culture as trash, and to make an effort to differentiate between films that makes our points and stuff made by the enemy.
Good conservatives should be seeking out fellow conservatives like Nolan and give them sustenance and support. Go rent Nolan’s older films, go see his current movie, and keep an eye out for what he does next. If you don’t, you won’t have anybody to blame but yourself if everything out ends up really being trash.
The Netflix production "Lilyhammer" is also filled with conservative themes, which is curious, since the driving force behind it is "Little Steven"Van Zandt. Until "Lilyhammer", Van Zandt was not considered a conservative.
On a similar note, if you look at the star ratings of programs on Netflix, you will often see a sharp conservative skew. "An Incovenient Truth" for example gets a one star rating (the lowest you can give) while "Hating Andrew Breitbart" gets five stars. This is true across the board and is a useful way to figure out if a program is worth watching. (note: these programs may or may not still be available on Netflix, since they tend to change their programming. Look for other programs for similar results.)
Posted by: WiseGuy | November 28, 2014 at 12:01 PM