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January 07, 2015


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Correct response.

To win this battle, most of the world's newspapers and magazines should print the offending cartoons on the front page today. This is the only way to protect free speech. Failure to do so will guarantee future attacks and will allow the spread of terrorism to new battlefields, like clothing choices, alcohol consumption, or sexual preferences, and since the press will be silent on these issues, we may as well start covering our women and growing beards.

Dan Mancuso

Good for you Cincinnatus!

In your face you filthy savages!

Lynda Cook

Way to go Cincinnatus!!

We need the world's newspapers to print the offending cartoons until this is done the terrorist will think they have won!

We need to protect our freedom of speech.


Now THAT'S funny. (I remember seeing the Copenhagen cartoons in the Western Standard and thinking "WTF? These aren't funny, they're kinda stupid - what kind of whacko could possibly be offended by these crappy drawings?...")

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