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January 08, 2015


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Yes, indeed whether we like it or not we are at war. This makes even more disgusting Western politicians, leaders and the MSM who continue to spout the lie that it has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is as much a religion as Communism. It is essentially an imperialist, militant, totalitarian ideology. Granting it the cover and protection of a religion is wrong and dangerous as we continue to see. In order to stand a chance of winning the war that has been openly declared on us, it is imperative to identity and recognise the enemy. Muslims who came to the West to escape sharia law and who only seek freedom and are able and willing to accept the laws and culture of their host country are not the problem. The problem is those who follow the ideology in full and who seek to impose it on everyone by any means possible. They are extremely numerous and they are the ones openly stating their intolerance and hatred. Turning a blind eye to all the evidence is not a solution.

Don Morris

The last two lines of your post are the problem,there is NO possibility of today's cowardly media or politicians EVER discussing the facts as they really are, wishful thinking has set in on them and they will stick to their fantasies to the bitter end.

In a conversation with a Conservative party worker a couple of years ago,the person stated Muslims were no different than ''the Italians'' and would eventually assimilate!!!

We have had too many generations of peace and prosperity, we no longer inculcate our young people with tales of courage and duty, instead we preach hedonism.

We have no leaders capable of acknowledging that we are at war with Islam,just political whores hoping to make it to the magic six-year mark,when their pension eligibility kicks in.

Unfortunately, the type of leader necessary to stop the slow surrender of our civilization, is not a kindly Mr.Rogers, but more like a Hitler or Mao,and we civilized Westerners will never accept that type.

I am just glad I will not be here in 30 years to see how badly we have sunk into dhimmitude.


Dear Don:

Actually, I agree with the Conservative party worker you spoke to - at least mostly. I think most Muslims are not fanatics, but I also realize that revolutions are always made by minorities not majorities.

Do I think we should limit immigration from Muslim countries? Yes, but not because most Muslims are terrorist. They are not. But because mot Islamic terrorists are Muslims. At the end of the day, what is Canada's immigration policy for? My answer is that it is, or should be, for the benefit of Canada.

In addition, one of the objects in a war is to split your enemy, not unify him. If we tar all Muslims as Islamofascists, then all we are doing is simply uniting 1.2 billion people into one uniform enemy bloc. What we need to do is to find fault lines in the Islamic world, and work to cleave as many Muslims from Islamofascism as possible. This means that non-revolutionary Muslims are, or should become, our allies.

Fat Tony

One has to wonder what kind of terrorist act must be perpetrated to frighten the left and MSM into relalizing this is a war.


all muslims follow the dictates of the koran. the koran supports jihad. the koran says that non-believers can and should be killed. I am prepared to "tar" all muslims as potential terrorists. until all the pages of the Koran and other Islamic teaching, that tells muslims that they must kill or enslave non-believers, are removed and a complete reformation occurs within islam the terro will continue with the support of all muslims.


Fat Tony - The problem is that the left pretty much agrees with the terrorists.

America and the West is evil. Killing muslims. Conquering the native Americans and putting them on reservations. Meddling in other peoples business. Also the left believes that Christianity and Judaism are evil. Trying to ban contraceptives and abortion, rejecting science, opposing gay marriage, opposing drugs. etc. etc.

If you want to find out how western children of privilege become radicalized, you need not look beyond the classroom, the main stream news, and the Jon Stewart show.

Dan Mancuso

My 'clarity of mind' tells me I - a Canadian citizen - need to defend myself and my community, since we are at war with these Islamofascist terrorist savages and because they are bringing that war here. It also tells me we need to have 'shall issue legislation'and 'conceal carry permits' so I can use my legally owned sidearms to do that with - legally.


Amen Dan.

I'm with you brother.

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