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May 19, 2015


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Only thing I would add is the politically correct, short haired women, playing a major roll, according to the trailer anyhow (I don't expect to pay a nickle for it either).
Sadly, I expect the young people to love this one. Fits right in with the superhero comic book stuff they are used to watching.


So you are essentially reviewing the movie without having actually seen it? Based on an article you read? What a waste of time.

James Walker

I've seen it, it is absolutely terrible.

- no story
- unintelligible dialogue
- boring car crashes


Dear Kevvyd:

At no point did I claim that the article is a review. In fact, I began by asking for the opinions of those who saw it.

What I did include was a lot of the backstory behind the original films.


Dear James Walker:

That's exactly what I thought it would be like.

James Walker

Just to add to what WiseGuy wrote...

The main character is the woman played by Charlize Theron. 'Mad Max' is just a secondary character, and there is no way the title of the movie should include his name...MISLEADING MARKETING all the way.

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