In the aftermath of the Charleston atrocity, it has become clear that the Left has set its sights on the Confederate flag. In response, many conservatives have agreed that taking it down is the right thing to do. After all, it does represent the pro-slavery side of the Civil War as well as secessionism. Arguing against this, it can be said that the Confederate flag also represents a challenge to Washington DC centralism - a serious problem in our day.
While I think reasonable arguments can be made for and against the Confederate flag, what I want to do here is to step back and look at the bigger picture in order to put this fight into its proper perspective. Doing this, it is clear that the Left views the battle over the Confederate flag merely as a skirmish in a much larger war, a war to completely transform the United States. From their perspective, abolishing the flag is just a speed bump on the way to Utopia. In contrast, those on the Right who want the flag taken down, view the issue in isolation, based solely on the merits of the case. I believe they have been duped by their own reasonableness. The Left is not reasonable, and they are not stopping.
For a perfect example of this kind of wrongheadedness, see Chris Queen’s article over at PJMedia entitled, It’s Time for Southerners to Choose Their Battles: Moving Past the Confederate Flag is the right thing for the South to do. Earth to Chris: The South did not choose this battle. They were attacked. If you are attacked and you don’t fight back, you lose. Period. Also, it is not even about the flag, nor is it about the South. I am not from the South, I am not even an American, but I am concerned – because I don’t want the Left to win the Culture War. In picking a side for this fight I am looking towards the future, not at the past. The original issues that the flag represents are irrelevant to me.
One writer who gets it is Scott McKay, over at the America Spectator. His article is entitled, Cultural Tyrants: It Won’t Stop with the Confederate flag, it isn’t even slowing down. As he correctly points out, they are now going after statues and monuments. There is even talk of abolishing the film, Gone With the Wind. As he observed:
“The flag is anything but a hill to die on, of course; an argument could be made that for people of legitimate good will it represents culture and heritage apart from racism and slavery and those whose ancestors fought and lost in the Civil War use it as a symbol of their family’s suffering.”
“The preservation of Southern history, heritage, and culture might not seem like much of a cause to many of our readers, and that’s fine. But the same crowd howling about the racist rednecks in South Carolina and Mississippi is also demanding that students at UCLA not be taught that America is the land of opportunity, for that is also racist and thus offensive. At Cal-Berkeley, traditional American mantras about meritocracy or our country as a melting pot are now unacceptable. At Cal-Irvine the American flag itself is offensive. So are crosses on display in public places, or dogs or the smell of pork in Dearborn and Minneapolis. Or churches wishing to specialize in intersex weddings. Or “manspreading” males on New York subway trains.
This isn’t stopping at the Confederate flag. It accelerates with each victory the cultural Left achieves. And never, ever is there a price paid for its aggression.”
What to do?
“A price must be exacted. The Left cannot be allowed its double standards and guilty pleasures on the way to unquestioned cultural dominance. If traditional America must perish under Alinsky’s Rule #4 (“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules”), then so must the Left.
It’s either that, or this cultural war will ultimately give way to something more unpleasant.”
He is right. The Left will not stop until someone stops them. This is why I favour keeping the Confederate flag.
Or if you prefer to fight the Left while also opposing the Confederate flag, then you should take your lead from radio host and author Mark Levin. Last week on his radio show, he dedicated an hour of his show on the history of the Democratic Party, reviewing historical fact after historical fact, all demonstrating that the Democrat Party’s history is inextricably intertwined with secessionism, slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow. His overall point is that it is sheer lunacy for Republicans to be apologizing for this stuff when the Democrats created it – all of it. And this isn’t just ancient history. Take Senator Robert Byrd, who died in office in 2010. Not only was he a member of the Ku Klux Klan, he actually created his own chapter. Mona Charen made much the same point.
So if you really want to throw away the Confederate flag, make sure you wrap the body of the Democrat Party in it first.