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June 01, 2015


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Well, I'm going to agree and disagree...
I agree in general with your essay, and with a violent transition to "the adulthood of nations". I believe that you are underestimating the cultural factor though.
It also looks like other cultures can use 'colonialism' as a barrier to the transition, a la Mugabe. If you can blame all the violence on somebody else, you won't mature to adulthood. If your culture says that violence is a good thing, then you won't transition to adulthood. So I think there can be barriers. I also think that you can regress - like Turkey is threatening to regress. Kemal Attaturk dragged Turkey into the modern age, but Islam is arguably dragging it back.
Lastly, for those of you who think that the US War of Independence was a violent transition to adulthood, I would disagree for many reasons. That was realpolitik, pure and simple. Great Britain arguably went through that transition 150 years earlier with Cromwell and the roundheads.

Ted Zaharchuk

Like the previous commentator I will both agree and disagree. Your post is based on a presumption that the middle east is made up of nation states, which are the most modern expression of human organization. Yet, these countries are only nation states in form, and not substance. Dictators always reign in places where tribalism is the ruling social order. Modern Islam is a tribal expression, and until it goes through its reformation, just like Christianity some centuries ago, the current situation will prevail.

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