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August 27, 2015


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Fran Auger

If Duffy is paying for his own defense that would be one for the history books. Ever wonder what his expense accounts at CTV show? The amoral Duffy is a perfect foil for the corrupt and shameless. Sleaze is not a strong enough term to describe this sorry grifter.

Bubba rown

This question of who is paying is I think one of the most important of this election.
As well as the timing of the show trial about nothing.
Why are not the Liberal Media asking Angry Tom about the 3.5 million for offices?
Is this payback for refusal to let the consortium (CBC CTV)run the debates, just askin'

Don Morris

Yes,it's interesting to speculate on which Liberal billionaire could be paying Bayne's bill, could be any one or a group of a dozen or so of the wealthiest people in Canada,all members of the same club,as Bayne probably is as well.

Unfortunately, we don't truly have a News media any more, no passionate,dedicated journalists committed to following a story to find the truth, just a bunch of propagandists who can't see they are a big part of the problem with political corruption in Canada, not even remotely part of the solution.


as duffy was in the senate, i will venture a guess that the taxpayers are picking up the tab.


Might be a good idea for somebody to start asking this question before live cameras.
Better yet, just state that wealthy Liberals are paying Bayne in order to influence an election outcome. Whether it is true or not, the media would have to deal with the allegation. It could go a long way to deflate history's least scandalous "political scandal".


It is very likely Duffy's Lawyer figures he will get him off. IF so he knows the Government of Canada will have to pay Duffy's legal bills after the trial, through Civil suit, and that he also has a big commission cheque coming from such settlement. Duffy in the meantime can give him enough cash through his 500,000 mortage.

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