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February 29, 2016


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Don Morris

Bill Whittle has a good video on this at "Afterburner".

The enemy is NOT Trump,or Cruz or Rubio, it IS Hillary Clinton.

Remember Churchill's famous statement on allying with Stalin when it became necessary," if the Devil himself should come out against Hitler,I should make a kindly reference to Hell in the House next day"?

I don't like Trump either,but think that he's inevitable as the Republican candidate, and I would take Trump over Hillary any day.

I believe he is the only GOP candidate that will get ugly with Clinton during the debates, unlike Mitt Romney,the gentleman,who lost to Obama because he wouldn't go on the attack.

The object if to defeat Hillary and the democrats,we should not forget that.

Scott M

A Cruz/Carson ticket would be nice to see.


We've all heard lots of rhetoric about Trump. I've yet to see proof that he is a 'Mountebanc and unprincipled salesman'. I've seen indicators that unsettle me, but nothing approaching proof. Furthermore, he is not a politician, making deals to get by that betray fundamental principles. He makes OTHER people betray THEIR fundamental principles when they make a deal with him. Furthermore, immigration is the single most important issue to face government since the cold war. He is the reason immigration is even being spoken about at all. I could take Trump being a closet liberal - and so could the country - as long as he deals effectively with the immigration issue. Given all the attacks he has taken over that issue, I'm willing to take him at his word. So my take is that a Trump presidency wouldn't be horrible under any conditions that I can foresee, and certainly much better than Hillary.
For the record, I would rather see Cruz win. I just don't think he can.


Hi Autoguy:

This Trump UNiversity business troubles me. There are multiple class action suits against him over this, As things are proceeding, he may have to give a deposition before November. I don't want to be in the position to get hard proof when it is too late to do something about it,


That is troubling... I need to do some research. This may be the kind of garbage allegations that D's love to engage in to smear conservatives - Like ex Texas Governor Rick Perry...

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