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March 23, 2016


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Thank you for an all-too-scarce honest tribute to Ford. Reputations and legacies are seldom what the low-information public believes unless they have close-up knowledge or a strong gut feeling about an individual. With all respect, Trump could easily be much like Rob Ford for no better reason than that many ordinary people expect it of him.

Dan Mancuso

"...Ye shall know them by their fruits..."
I suspect history will be much kinder to Rob Ford than the Media Party and 'chattering-classes' ever were.


I suspect you are right.


Rob Ford's legacy was cemented today during his funeral. Nobody dared say anything negative and his family and friends, as one might expect, paid a brilliant tribute to him.
I was particularly appreciative of former Premier Mike Harris' eulogy. He took the trouble to point out the viciousness of the left wing towards Ford. The best part was his review of how City Hall censured him, as a City Councilor, for NOT spending any of his office or travel budget.
This was counterbalanced by brother Doug's telling of how Rob had delivered submarine sandwiches, as a favour to his friend, the sub shop-keep (He had just come for a sub). Doug told him "You can't deliver subs. You are the Mayor of Toronto." He replied, "I made 4 new supporters, and best of all they gave me a three dollar tip!".
A sad day for Toronto, but a great day for the legacy of a much loved leader.

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