I think it is a good thing that somebody influential is making the distinction between legal tolerance and respect. As the Times correctly pointed out, “Tolerance, however, is not the same as respect.” Just because something becomes legal, it doesn’t mean that the citizenry are now obligated to like it. This piece of sophistry is a major prop of the various Human Rights Commissions in Canada to stifle criticism of the identity groups the left wants to protect.
For instance, the fact that it is legal to practice Islam in Canada is no reason, or rather, shouldn’t be a reason to require non-Islamic Canadians to respect that religion. In a free society, not only should we be free from such an obligation, we should be entirely free to criticize and condemn anything we don’t like.
Just like Moslems should not be obligated to respect the cross of St. George, or the whole of Christianity for that matter.
The gay lobby has been very effective in utilizing this logical error to legally squash all vocalized criticism of their lifestyle.
Enough is enough. Lets return to being a free society, before it’s too late.