According to the Toronto Sun:
‘Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne is lying when she says she will not cut public sector jobs, the top boss of the Ontario Public Sector Employees' Union said Tuesday.
Warren "Smokey" Thomas accused Wynne of burying $1.2 billion in cuts in the dead-on-arrival budget earlier this year.’
The stupidity of people who think they can avoid a fiscal reckoning by not electing Conservative leader Tim Hudak simply amazes me. Earth to Ontario liberals: there will be a reckoning no matter who you vote for, and sooner rather than later. Why do I know this?
Think about it in terms of the power grid. With the power grid, supply has to meet demand. There is no choice about it. The grid cannot remain out of balance for long. The only real choice hydro controllers have is whether supply and demand will be balanced in a controlled manner, or in an uncontrolled manner - such as with a blackout resulting from blown circuit breakers and exploding transformers. There are no other options.
The budget is kind of like the power grid. Where supply has to meet demand on the grid, expenses have to meet revenue in the balance sheet. The only difference is that financial books can remain out of balance for more time than a power grid, allowing some Ontario residents to indulge in the fantasy that Ontario’s books don’t ever have to return to balance. This is a childish wish, and given that the province's operating deficit is projected to be $12.5 billion this year, and that it has been at or over $10 billion for the past four years, the day of reckoning will be sooner rather than later.
As with the power grid, the only choice the financial controllers have is whether spending and revenue will be balanced in a controlled manner or an uncontrolled manner. As voters, our only choice is whether to elect budget controllers who wish to balance the Ontario budget the first way or the second way.
In promising to spend, spend, spend, Ontario Liberal leader Kathleen Wynne is either lying to the voters or she will precipitate Ontario’s fiscal collapse. If the former, then the choice Ontarians face is between honesty and dishonesty. If the latter, then it is between avoiding a debt crisis and having one.
Even ol’ ‘Smokey’ seems to grasp this:
‘While Wynne has tried to scare voters with warnings that Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak would weaken government services with his plan to cut 100,000 government jobs, Thomas said at least Hudak is "honest and straightforward" with what's he's proposing to do.’
Then again, maybe not. Later on in the article he talks about voting NDP. Hmmm, I wonder how well he thinks his members will make out when the government loses its ability to borrow money.